Would Canada and/or the USA allow you to work with a degree from Finland?
Education is free in places like Finland and Norway and probably others... but if a Canadian or American went there to go to school and then came back to North America.. would their degree be recognized if it is from Finland or Norway? Would some degrees be ok but not others? -social work degree -psychology degree -nursing degree -teaching degree
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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1 :
Sure. A degree is a degree.
2 :
Check with the state Dept. Of Education, office of the professions.
3 :
no. youb ahev to have some wierd thing, but obviously you dont have it. so youd have to come here and do it all over if you really wanted to. cuz, like theres docs from like india who are WAY WAY WAY WAY SWAYWA WYAWAYWYAYAYW better than docs here, but since they dont have a degree for here, they cant do anything, it was oliema total waste of time :)
4 :
I think you're on to something with the list. Specific locations require specific certifications. I know a teacher from Florida who wasn't allowed to teach in another state until she received a specific certification. But there is no global convention for normal jobs - such as office work / wall street etc. It's just a matter of convincing the employers of your qualifications. Now, in America, we do require work visas (green cards) - which has nothing to do with a degree. I don't believe they are hard to get if you are a skilled worker - but I've never tried - being American by birth.
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