ny Nurses Out There?
I am in grade 11 and I am very interested in becoming a nurse. I would like to know what college or university you went to in canada and how eay or difficult it actually was to obtain your degree.Thanks so much
Medicine - 1 Answers
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1 :
i went to the University of Alberta: Faculty of Nursing the whole college specialized in nursing. it was actually a great experience, and it wasnt that difficult to obtain my degree
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
What do Americans mean by "college"
What do Americans mean by "college"?
In Canada, a "college" is an educational institution which gives instruction in trades, and things like graphic arts, practical nursing, respiratory therapy, medical office administration and so forth but usually doesn't give degrees, while a "University" grants Bachelor degrees (BA, BSc).and other advanced degrees (MA, PhD, MD, MBA) What is the American terminology?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
It's funny, because in Spanish College is equivalent to High School here in the US. In the US a college grants Bachelor's degrees, but does not have a lot of different subjects. A University is made up of a few (or many) colleges. i.e. College of Engineering at Drexel University, and College of Education at University of Maryland. So, college means one general topic.
2 :
College is where you go to get a degree.
3 :
A College is an institution which awards no higher than a masters degree. A University is an institution which awards a doctorate degree. People often say "college" but mean university. College is just faster to say.
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In Canada, a "college" is an educational institution which gives instruction in trades, and things like graphic arts, practical nursing, respiratory therapy, medical office administration and so forth but usually doesn't give degrees, while a "University" grants Bachelor degrees (BA, BSc).and other advanced degrees (MA, PhD, MD, MBA) What is the American terminology?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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1 :
It's funny, because in Spanish College is equivalent to High School here in the US. In the US a college grants Bachelor's degrees, but does not have a lot of different subjects. A University is made up of a few (or many) colleges. i.e. College of Engineering at Drexel University, and College of Education at University of Maryland. So, college means one general topic.
2 :
College is where you go to get a degree.
3 :
A College is an institution which awards no higher than a masters degree. A University is an institution which awards a doctorate degree. People often say "college" but mean university. College is just faster to say.
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Saturday, May 7, 2011
How do I stop homesickness from holding me back and go for my true loves and dreams
How do I stop homesickness from holding me back and go for my true loves and dreams?
Hey everyone. I have SO much I want to accomplish and do and it's so exciting. I want to join the Peace Corps and help wildlife in another country once I get my degree! I want to intern in Hawaii and Alaska, and get a great job dealing with wildlife. Sounds great and go for it, right? Well, it's not that simple... I'm an incredibly sentimental person for my parents and my home. My dad is my best friend and the moment I start thinking about my childhood and teenage years with him, playing games, listening to science fiction tapes, going on the computer, and just buddying around, it makes me want to cry and forget all of it and go for nursing or something. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing he'll be near me physically if I do that, then I want to cry because all my dreams have turned to dust. As a result, I obviously spend a lot of time crying and changing my major and that's not doing much but spinning my wheels into the dirt. I know I'm the graceful young woman I am today because of him and I don't want to leave him. I talked to him about it and he goes, "Aw, y'know, you'll meet someone and your attitudes will change. Take baby steps and before long you will fly. You never know where life will take you, I never thought I'd move across the ocean when I got older but I did. Sure I miss home but it's okay here too." I know he's right but I just can't accept it. What does a person do? Could some of you life veterans tell me how you felt at my age and what you did? (I didn't want to call you old, but that's what I meant, tee hee.) Or I mean someone my age too that's struggling through this or has done it and can lend me a hand. If you did one or the other, did you regret it and what do you wish you would've done? I'm at a crucial point in my life where I need to choose a major and it's just killing me. My professors say there isn't much of a job market in this location. Sure, I'd love to move to Canada or something. But I can't stand not being near my parents and I feel like if they pass away or get sick or grow sad because they miss me too, I'd have missed out on so much and I'd feel eternally guilty. I'm so confused and need your help! Thanks so very much!
Family - 1 Answers
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1 :
I went away to college (100 miles from home) and visited every once in a while. Then I went into the Peace Corps (8,000 miles from home) and stayed gone for 27 months. Some people who trained with me couldn't take it; they left before they swore in. I don't have any special formula or magic wand. Lots of people do it. There are about 8,000 PCVs serving at the moment, and 160,000 who have served since 1961. All of those soldiers in Iraq are away from home too. Other people have done it. You can too.
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Hey everyone. I have SO much I want to accomplish and do and it's so exciting. I want to join the Peace Corps and help wildlife in another country once I get my degree! I want to intern in Hawaii and Alaska, and get a great job dealing with wildlife. Sounds great and go for it, right? Well, it's not that simple... I'm an incredibly sentimental person for my parents and my home. My dad is my best friend and the moment I start thinking about my childhood and teenage years with him, playing games, listening to science fiction tapes, going on the computer, and just buddying around, it makes me want to cry and forget all of it and go for nursing or something. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing he'll be near me physically if I do that, then I want to cry because all my dreams have turned to dust. As a result, I obviously spend a lot of time crying and changing my major and that's not doing much but spinning my wheels into the dirt. I know I'm the graceful young woman I am today because of him and I don't want to leave him. I talked to him about it and he goes, "Aw, y'know, you'll meet someone and your attitudes will change. Take baby steps and before long you will fly. You never know where life will take you, I never thought I'd move across the ocean when I got older but I did. Sure I miss home but it's okay here too." I know he's right but I just can't accept it. What does a person do? Could some of you life veterans tell me how you felt at my age and what you did? (I didn't want to call you old, but that's what I meant, tee hee.) Or I mean someone my age too that's struggling through this or has done it and can lend me a hand. If you did one or the other, did you regret it and what do you wish you would've done? I'm at a crucial point in my life where I need to choose a major and it's just killing me. My professors say there isn't much of a job market in this location. Sure, I'd love to move to Canada or something. But I can't stand not being near my parents and I feel like if they pass away or get sick or grow sad because they miss me too, I'd have missed out on so much and I'd feel eternally guilty. I'm so confused and need your help! Thanks so very much!
Family - 1 Answers
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1 :
I went away to college (100 miles from home) and visited every once in a while. Then I went into the Peace Corps (8,000 miles from home) and stayed gone for 27 months. Some people who trained with me couldn't take it; they left before they swore in. I don't have any special formula or magic wand. Lots of people do it. There are about 8,000 PCVs serving at the moment, and 160,000 who have served since 1961. All of those soldiers in Iraq are away from home too. Other people have done it. You can too.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
I'm 18 and thinking of going into experimental psychology. Help
I'm 18 and thinking of going into experimental psychology. Help?
I have applied for nursing in university and have been offered admission, but I have not yet accepted. I don't really think that nursing is for me, although both my parents are really pushing me towards it. For some time now, I have been thinking about going into psychology, and more specifically, into experimental psychology. However, I have a few questions. 1) How much can an experimental psychologist expect to make in Ontario? 2)What education is needed? (I have heard that you need 4 yrs in just psychology and then a masters and possibly a doctorate degree?) 3) What are the career options? 4) Are there a lot of career options? i.e. will i be able to get a job? 5) How competitive is this field? 6) For those who have had experience with experimental psychology, what is it like? (in general) 7) I have heard that there is some negative criticism regarding this field. Can anyone tell me more about this? 8) What schools in Ontario (or in Canada) are good for psychology? I would really (really, really , really) appreciate any and all information anyone has on this (even if they don't specifically pertain to my questions asked above) especially if you personally have pursued this career, or if you happen to be an experimental psychologist, or know someone who is. I'm just really concerned about university at this point. I have no idea what I want to do, and right now, this is what i am interested in. I have not applied for psychology in university, but I may go into nursing and then switch into a psychology program. (They let you do that right?) I know that I have asked a lot of questions. Again, any and all answers you may have are deeply and completely appreciated. Thank you!!!
Psychology - 4 Answers
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1 :
2 :
First convert your dreams into reality. I mean first become a full-fledged psychologist. After that, one by one gradually, you will be able to come to know about everything step-by-step. It is difficult to guess. Unless one has far-sightedness, one cannot visualize about distant future.
3 :
1. Not sure exactly about Canada but in America they make pretty good money. 2. You will need a graduate degree for most jobs, a doctorate is preferable. 3. Many options. You could work in a school (as a teacher or a school psychologist), in a research firm, or on your own. 4. Economy is bad for everyone so all jobs are harder to find, but eventually you will be able to find one. 5. Psychology is a fairly competitive field as it is a popular major. 6. It is basically what it sounds. Trying to learn new things about psychology by doing experiments and tests. 7. All psychology fields are controversial people agree and disagree with all kinds of stuff, don't worry about it. 8. Can't answer this. Your best option is to just look around and see what schools have programs that look solid and interesting.
4 :
I went to college in Milwaukee in experimental psych., also clinical, but are you sure you want to get a doctorate and then live the life of a scientist? Almost all work for a university. And, nobody who does it likes their job. Clinical is okay. Nursing is cash. Psych pays less. Also consider the MSW, Master of Social Welfare, which is only a year or two after college, because there are actually JOBS in it. Nobody wants someone with an education in experimental psych. Prof. John Schlitz Kitchin, psychologist, Milwaukee Free University
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I have applied for nursing in university and have been offered admission, but I have not yet accepted. I don't really think that nursing is for me, although both my parents are really pushing me towards it. For some time now, I have been thinking about going into psychology, and more specifically, into experimental psychology. However, I have a few questions. 1) How much can an experimental psychologist expect to make in Ontario? 2)What education is needed? (I have heard that you need 4 yrs in just psychology and then a masters and possibly a doctorate degree?) 3) What are the career options? 4) Are there a lot of career options? i.e. will i be able to get a job? 5) How competitive is this field? 6) For those who have had experience with experimental psychology, what is it like? (in general) 7) I have heard that there is some negative criticism regarding this field. Can anyone tell me more about this? 8) What schools in Ontario (or in Canada) are good for psychology? I would really (really, really , really) appreciate any and all information anyone has on this (even if they don't specifically pertain to my questions asked above) especially if you personally have pursued this career, or if you happen to be an experimental psychologist, or know someone who is. I'm just really concerned about university at this point. I have no idea what I want to do, and right now, this is what i am interested in. I have not applied for psychology in university, but I may go into nursing and then switch into a psychology program. (They let you do that right?) I know that I have asked a lot of questions. Again, any and all answers you may have are deeply and completely appreciated. Thank you!!!
Psychology - 4 Answers
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1 :
2 :
First convert your dreams into reality. I mean first become a full-fledged psychologist. After that, one by one gradually, you will be able to come to know about everything step-by-step. It is difficult to guess. Unless one has far-sightedness, one cannot visualize about distant future.
3 :
1. Not sure exactly about Canada but in America they make pretty good money. 2. You will need a graduate degree for most jobs, a doctorate is preferable. 3. Many options. You could work in a school (as a teacher or a school psychologist), in a research firm, or on your own. 4. Economy is bad for everyone so all jobs are harder to find, but eventually you will be able to find one. 5. Psychology is a fairly competitive field as it is a popular major. 6. It is basically what it sounds. Trying to learn new things about psychology by doing experiments and tests. 7. All psychology fields are controversial people agree and disagree with all kinds of stuff, don't worry about it. 8. Can't answer this. Your best option is to just look around and see what schools have programs that look solid and interesting.
4 :
I went to college in Milwaukee in experimental psych., also clinical, but are you sure you want to get a doctorate and then live the life of a scientist? Almost all work for a university. And, nobody who does it likes their job. Clinical is okay. Nursing is cash. Psych pays less. Also consider the MSW, Master of Social Welfare, which is only a year or two after college, because there are actually JOBS in it. Nobody wants someone with an education in experimental psych. Prof. John Schlitz Kitchin, psychologist, Milwaukee Free University
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